BitLen is built on the principle that liquidity should be universally available.

The platform's goal is to make liquidity universally accessible, serving not just DeFi participants but also protocols via 'Liquidity Hooks.'

A primary obstacle for DeFi protocols today is securing initial liquidity and maintaining a steady supply to facilitate expansion. Access to liquidity in money markets is often a hurdle for many protocols, hindered by a lack of composability, which in turn limits their growth potential. As the DeFi ecosystem evolves to support a variety of borrowing scenarios, the structure of money markets has not kept pace. This forces protocols to seek liquidity on their own, despite its scarcity. As a result, protocols allocate a substantial portion of their native tokens to incentives for liquidity procurement. This method is not sustainable over the long term and results in the dispersion of liquidity.

To address this challenge once and for all, emerging protocols require the capability to effortlessly mesh their applications with a substantial pool of liquidity—a money market ally that gives priority to composability, soon to be available on Core,BsquaredNetwork & Bitlayer.

BitLen operates as the essential liquidity foundation for DApps, crafted to encourage the development of Liquidity Hooks by DApps.

  • Lenders: benefit from elevated lending APRs as BitLen's collaborative partners utilize liquidity and broaden BitLen's user base.

  • Borrowers: gain access to Liquidity Hooks established by DApps, enabling them to pursue various yield strategies through BitLen’s comprehensive dashboard.

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